Lassaad Ben Dhiab
Lassaad Ben Dhiab
Faker Hnid
Faker Hnid
Board Director
Norbert Prihoda
Norbert Prihoda
Board Director
Paul Fenech
Paul Fenech
Board Director
Man in a suit
Mohsin Majid
Board Director
Deepak Padmanabhan
Deepak Padmanabhan
Board Director
Sofiane Antar
Sofiane Antar
Board Director
Azmi Lahmar GO's board of director
Azmi Lahmar
Board Director
Francis Galea Salomone
Francis Galea Salomone
Company Secretary
Nikhil Patil
Nikhil Patil

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee supports the work of the Board in terms of quality control of the Group’s financial reports and internal controls. The Audit Committee is currently chaired by Mr F. Hnid, with the other members being Mr. P. Fenech and Mr. D. Padmanabhan. The Audit Committee is independent and is constituted in accordance with the requirements of the Listing Rules, with Mr F. Hnid being chosen as the member competent in accounting and/or auditing, in view of his experience in the field.

The Committee scrutinizes and monitors related party transactions. It considers the materiality and the nature of the related party transactions carried out by the Company to ensure that the arms’ length principle is adhered to at all times. As part of its duties, the Committee receives and considers reports on the system of internal financial controls and the audited statutory financial statements of all companies comprising the Group.

Remuneration Committee

During the past year the terms of reference of the Group Remuneration Committee have been reviewed. The Committee is responsible for determining and agreeing with the Board the framework or broad policy for the Remuneration of the company’s chief officers, the Chairman of the company, the directors of the board, and such other members as it is designated to consider. In determining such policy, the Committee takes into account all factors which it deems necessary, including the position of the Group companies relative to other companies in the marketplace. The objective of such policy shall be to ensure that directors and chief officers are provided with appropriate incentives to encourage enhanced performance and are, in a fair and responsible manner, rewarded for their individual contributions to the success of the Group Companies. The Group Remuneration Committee is currently chaired by Mr. Ben Dhiab, the other members being the Noble P S Testaferrata Moroni Viani and Mr. P. Fenech. The Company Secretary, Dr F Galea Salomone, acts as Secretary to the Remuneration Committee.

External Auditors

The Group’s External Auditors are PricewaterhouseCoopers Malta. Visit PwC Website