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22 November 2019
UPDATE, 22nd November, 23:11. All services restored. The cable that was cut contained 288 fibres. Each fibre, which is the width of a strand of hair, had to be delicately and precisely fused with the same fibre strand it was connected to before the cut. Whilst we fully appreciate the impact of such accidents on our customers and the inconvenience it causes, we are very proud of and grateful to our extraordinary team of techs who are so dedicated to getting our customers reconnected in the shortest time possible in such circumstances.
During the past couple of hours, GO has unfortunately experienced an extensive fibre cut in Pieta, due to an incident caused by an unrelated third party. Our Technical Team has been dispatched on site to assess the damage and start repairs with minimal delay. So far, customers in Birkirkara, Hamrun, Marsa, Pieta, Gwardamangia, Valletta, Msida and St Venera may be impacted. Estimated time for repair is still unclear, but we will continue to give regular updates as these are received from our technical team on the ground.
Such situations are as frustrating to us as they are to you, our esteemed customers. Our commitment is to do everything to restore services in the shortest time possible.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Matul dawn l-aħħar ftit siegħat, GO sfortunatament esperjenzat qtugħ estensiv fis-sistema tal-fibre ġewwa l-Pieta, minħabba aċċident ikka
wżat minn terzi persuni. It-tim tekniku tagħna ntbagħat immedjatament fuq il-post sabiex jifhem il-ħsarat involuti u mill-ewwel b
eda’ bit-tiswijiet neċessarji.
S’issa kienu milquta klijenti f’Birkirkara, il-Ħamrun, il-Marsa, Pieta, Gwardamangia, Valletta, l-Imsida u Sta Venera. Il-ħin li fih se jissewwew dawn il-ħsarat għadu mhux magħruf, iżda se nkomplu nżommu lil kulħadd mgħarraf m’mod regolari hekk kif it-tim tekniku tagħna se jibqa’ jżommna nfurmati bix-xogħolijiet.
Sitwazzjonijiet bħal dawn huma frustranti ħafna għal GO daqs kemm huma għall-klijenti tagħna. L-impenn tagħna għaldaqstant se jibqa’ li nibqgħu nag
ħmlu minn kollox sabiex inreġġgħu lura s-servizz għan-normal, u fl-iqsar żmien possibbli.
Nirringrazzjaw lill-klijenti kollha tagħna għall-paċenzja tagħhom u talli qed jifhmu din is-sitwazzjoni.