
Jeanelle Spiteri: The actress, model and student

07 May 2024


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She is a promising young star who has been captivating audiences with her dynamic performances across various productions. More recently, she has gained widespread acclaim for her role in the beloved local TV series Luna where she brought to life a complex character that resonated deeply with viewers. As we sit down with Jeanelle Spiteri, we’ll explore her journey in the acting world, her experiences on set and what she has in store for the future.

Can you tell us about your journey into acting? How did you get started?

I started acting at a very young age, When I was 8 years old, my mum took me to my first audition where I was chosen to work on my first TV programme. Since then, I have attended different drama lessons where I’ve learnt all about the beauty of acting! Today, acting has become my passion more than ever before and I am sure I will continue to pursue it in the upcoming future.

Which role or character has been the most memorable for you so far?

It’s honestly very difficult to choose. Every role I’ve had the opportunity to portray was a special one in its own way and I have always been eager to experience each and every role. I portray roles by putting myself into the shoes of the character and becoming her whilst forgetting about who I am in real life. Having said that, if I really had to choose the most memorable role, I would choose Luna. The role of Luna was my first main part on TV. It is a role that took me on an adventure and made me experience challenges that I had never experienced before.

You recently starred in the much-loved drama series Luna. What do you think has made this series so popular and sets it apart from other local productions?

Luna is a very particular story that we don’t always see on Maltese TV screens. It is a story involving a mix of emotions and is based on true events. It gives a real view of what one goes through in life when born to a Mafia family, what this type of family goes through and what the children feel when having to be married to someone against their will or having to come out whilst knowing that you’re not supported for being gay.

I think Luna has an interesting plot that makes it special and quite interesting for Maltese drama seekers.

Luna depicts the life and love of a Sicilian teenager born into a family where customs and traditions influence life and mould it. What can you tell us about the character you portray?

When I portray the character of Luna, I truly feel the strength of her character, how capable she is of loving the people around her and how no matter what she goes through she always chooses paths that won’t hurt the people around her, even if it unfortunately means that she will get hurt herself.

Luna is a strong, loveable and independent woman. A woman who has been through a lot just because of the family she was born into and the customs and tradition her family believe in. Character-wise she is someone I hope to be like in the future.

How is Season 2 different from Season 1?

Season 2 shows a different point of view by focusing on the current life of Luna, whereas Season 1 shows her past so as to get a background of where Luna came from and everything she went through. Even though in Season 2 we see Luna finding her way and building her new family, her past continues to chase her and try to break her down.

Can you share a memorable experience while filming Luna?

I think the most memorable experience during the series was when we filmed the underwater scenes when Luna decides to jump off the cliffs. The jump itself was a very challenging experience, but I went for it instantly. I am quite an adventurous person, however, I have never experienced something like that while filming, so it will surely be one of the highlights of my acting career. It feels amazing to have worked with the team to such detail and extremes in order to achieve a difficult shot like that to perfection.

Fashion plays an important role in your life. In fact, you have participated in several fashion shows, including walking the catwalk at the London Fashion Week. How did this passion for fashion begin?

I think it hit me during the COVID period. I was stuck at home, with basically no opportunities for anything really. I got bored at home and wanted to try something new. I started modelling lessons and contacted Gaffiero Productions to join a photo modelling contest where I placed second.

Ever since, fashion has become a huge part of who I am. Today, with the help of my modelling mentor Joanne Farrugia, I take part in pageants, fashion shows, adverts, shoots and so many other opportunities both locally and internationally.

Apart from being an actress and model, you’re also a student. How do you balance your professional commitments with your academic responsibilities?

Balancing between hobbies and school is very important but the hardest challenge of all. I try my best to keep my hobbies aside during exam period to focus on these since exams are important for me to progress academically.

During the exam period I tend to feel very stressed and sometimes upset as I wouldn’t be doing anything I love, however, I feel that in this way I keep myself motivated to get through the exam period to the best of my abilities and once its over, I get to go back to my usual busy self always trying to catch up with everything in my schedule.

What advice would you give to young people who aspire to enter the acting industry?

Acting is a very particular and life changing hobby which not everyone might understand.

To all the young girls and boys out there – follow your dreams and passions even if sometimes it gets challenging and you think you can’t do it. A step is just the beginning of a beautiful lifetime journey. You might be shy at first, it’s normal, everyone is, but acting helps you become confident, gets you out of your shell and improves your true self. Don’t give up, try out different things as success starts from failure.

What’s next for you after Luna?

This year I will be traveling to the UK to take part in a fashion show and to Italy for a competition. In the meantime, I look forward to adding more acting opportunities to my list later this year.

Luna is available On Demand on GO TV. Don’t have GO TV yet? Follow the steps below.

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